In other news, I now have a Kindle, and so I will be able to accept books in Mobi as well as Epub formats to review! It currently has 158 Tor ebooks loaded on it, but I can't say that I haven't already been browsing through the Kindle store, wondering what my first purchased ebook will be... I think I'm leaning towards a short story collection from an indie publisher. Any recommendations?
This week has also included my husband's and my first anniversary - married for a year already! One year, a new city, new job, new flat and far too many bookshelves later... I can't believe how quickly the year's gone. Hope all the future years continue to be just as happy! :-)

Reviews coming up on the blog soon...
Ante's Inferno, by Griselda Heppel
Sharps, by K. J. Parker
The Case of the Deadly Desperados, by Caroline Lawrence
Prince of Persia (movie)
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