
Friday 4 January 2013

More Challenges! - Sign Up Post

I’ve already joined two challenges for 2013 – witches and British books, but what the heck, the more the merrier... and the more books I’ll just be forced to read (as if I need an excuse)!

So, here are the challenges I’m planning on taking part in:

The 2013 TBR Reading Challenge

This challenge is about reading the books on our To Read shelves from 2012 or before. No books published in 2013 allowed. I was planning on tackling my To Read shelf (okay, shelves) anyway, so this is the perfect challenge for me.

There are A LOT of people taking part in this one. Join us or find out more here. You can also read along with the host blog’s (a different one each month) book choice for each month.

As I’m taking on 5 times the amount of challenges this year as I did last year, I figured I’d better start with the lowest level of each one and hope to move up if I can! So in this challenge, I’m setting myself the goal of ‘A Firm Handshake’ (1-10 books).

I’ll put a list of the books I intend to read on my Challenges page.

The 2013 Genre Variety Reading Challenge

I have a tendency to stick with certain kinds of science fiction, fantasy and YA, but I really enjoy it whenever I push my boundaries a bit. So this challenge should be lots of fun!

This is being hosted at A Daydreamer’s Thoughts. Find out more and sign up here.

I’m starting at the ‘Careful’ level with 6 books and 6 different genres. I know I’ll be including both sci-fi and fantasy in there, definitely contemporary too, and probably a romance because I really don’t read much of it. The rest I will decide on as I go.

The 2013 Paranormal Challenge

This is a challenge to read about all the different kinds of paranormal beings from the list provided on the host blogs (so, at least 12 books in the year). You can choose which creature you read about each month, or you can read the chosen creature for each month and get a double entry into the draw! January is all about the vampires – shouldn’t be hard to find a book on that topic.

This looks like such a fun one! If you want to join in, you can sign up or find out more here, or here.

So those are my five 2013 challenges – witches, British books, TBR pile, different genres, and paranormal beings. Can’t wait to get reading. Have you entered any challenges this year? Best of luck with them if you have!


  1. My challenge for this year is to find someone who likes Aronofsky's 'The Fountain' as much as I do. It is an illness, I confess, but one I seem to be stuck with.
    Other than that, I would like to read all Iain M Banks' novels, possibly spend a tenner of Polanski's 'Dance of the Vampires' (I simply refuse to use the American title) and drink less.
    With a bit of luck, I might even get a few more short stories published. Thank you Polluto, and Happy New Year

    Mike Russell

  2. Thanks Mike! Hope you had a good New Year too :-) Is that 'The Fountain' starring Hugh Jackman? That's an interesting and very multi-layered film, though it's been ages since I've seen it and I can't remember it exactly. Confession - I've never actually read an Iain M Banks novel. I know! Maybe I should fix that this year too.
    Thanks for stopping by! :-)
