
Monday 14 January 2013

Bout of Books Read-a-thon Wrap Up

Bout of Books is now over, and I'm feeling a little sad - I had such a great week! I met a lot of bloggers and found plenty of new sites to follow, took part in a twitter chat (which was slightly crazy and so much fun), entered giveaways and mini-challenges, and, of course, read a lot of books!

At the beginning I set myself some personal goals. Here's how I did:

Read as much as I can! - I read 3 books and began a 4th, which is very good for me for a week's reading.
Finish The Red Knight. - Finished!
Spend at least 30 mins visiting and commenting on other blogs. - Yep, did this every day, and talked to other bloggers on Twitter too.
Take part in some mini-challenges - I took part in most of the mini-challenges and had a fantastic time coming up with responses to them.
Find new blogs to follow and make new bookish friends.- SO MANY new blogs and twitter friends! :-D


Success! I achieved all my goals. Hope others had as much fun as I did. Big thanks to Amanda of On a Book Bender and Kelly of Reading the Paranormal for putting it all together, and to all the mini-challenge hosts! Can't wait for the next one!

Here are my updates throughout the read-a-thon:

Monday: An unexpectedly busy day, but still managed to get in an hour-and-a-bit of reading, so was happy with that.

The Red Knight - 50% complete

Tuesday: Got lots done today, reading included! :-)

The Red Knight - 70% complete
Mini-Challenges - done!

Wednesday: Ate a lot of chocolate and read a lot of my book. Great day!

The Red Knight - Finished!
Mini-Challenge - done!

Thursday: Started a new book, Vampire Hunter D, which... well, I'm not sure about it yet. The concept is very interesting, but the writing style is pretty cheesy. We'll see! Also had huge fun with the mini-challenges today.

Vampire Hunter D - 87 pages in
Mini-Challenges - done!

Friday: One of those days where everything that could distract me did! Unfortunately didn't have time for the mini-challenge, which is a shame as it looked like a really fun one. Did get quite a lot of reading done at bedtime though, and despite the quirky style, this is a very quick and easy book to read.

Vampire Hunter D - 218 pages in

Saturday: Great day! Finished Vampire Hunter D and got halfway through my next book, The Case of the Good-Looking Corpse. Took part in the twitter chat, which was hilarious and utterly confusing, and I had a lot of fun getting to know all the other Bout of Books bloggers. Who, incidentally, are all completely insane :-D

The Case of the Good-Looking Corpse - 177 pages in
Mini-Challenges - done!

Sunday: Last day of the challenge! Finished The Case of the Good-Looking Corpse, which was excellent and had a really good mystery in it. Husband distracted me with episodes of Red Dwarf, but still managed to start a fourth book - The Immortal Rules. I enjoyed this read-a-thon so much and can't thank the organisers and challenge hosts enough!

The Case of the Good-Looking Corpse - Finished!
The Immortal Rules - Begun
Mini-Challenge - done (my answer in the comments section)


  1. You did great Vicky!

    Hope I see you again on Bout of Books 7.0. :)

  2. Thanks! :-D

    Definitely going to take part in the next one!

  3. Congratulations Vicky! You had such a great week - and it's been fun catching up on Twitter along the way!
    See you at BoB7.0! :D

    1. Thanks Ellie! :-) It's been fantastic, so looking forward to 7.0!

  4. Congrats!!! I was hoping to read 3 to 4 books but well... got distracted, a lot! :) Congrats on all your reading, though. It's obvious you had a lot of fun.

    1. Hehe thanks, was so much fun! :-D Hope you enjoyed it despite the distractions!

  5. Vicky you did great! Did you like The Immortal Rules?

    1. Thanks Pragya! :-) I haven't managed to finish The Immortal Rules yet but I'm really enjoying it so far!

  6. Congratulations on your Bout of Books goals - I'm amazed you got in 30 minutes every day for visiting and commenting, not to mention all your mini challenges!

    I especially loved your response to the favourite vampire challenge - Spike is my favourite character in Buffy by far. We've been trying to educate my housemate this year because she's never seen them, but we've only just started season 4 and so she can't understand everyone's appreciation for Spike yet!

    See you for Bout of Books 7.0!

    1. Hehe, I may have spent longer looking through other people's blogs and doing challenges than I actually did reading! xD Was so nice to find new blogs and bookish people though.

      Aww, she has some treats in store for her then. Especially the musical episode! Spike is awesome, and his voice makes me melt :-)

      Can't wait for 7.0!

  7. Yay! You did awesome! I really tried to get around to the other blogs every day but I forgot a few days. I only managed a few of the challenges as well, but the ones I did do were fun.
    I'm glad you enjoyed it and see you for the next one!

    1. Thanks! :-D The challenges were so much fun weren't they? Glad you managed to do a few of them!

  8. The Case of the Good-looking Corpse is such a great title! Was it super great?

    Good job finishing! *showers you with confetti and coffee beans*

    1. Mmmmmmmmm coffee. :-)

      Hehe, thanks! The Case of the Good-looking Corpse was really good. I worked out who the killer was about a chapter before the detective, but up until then I had no idea :-) Was quite a funny book too.

  9. I want to read The Immortal Rules soon, so I hope you're enjoying it! Well done on completing so many mini-challenges too, I wanted to but as always, real life seemed to get in the way and I barely got to even touch a computer for three days. Congrats on doing so awesomely! :D

    1. Thanks Hollie! :-D Haha, real life can be pesky like that! Hope you enjoyed the reading side of it though. :-) The Immortal Rules is really good so far!

  10. Congrats on meeting your goals. I loved your Book Spine Poem. Hope to see you at Bout of Books 7.0!

  11. Well done Vicky for completing all your goals you set! I had so much fun with this bout of books that I can't wait to sign up to the next one! :)

  12. Thanks Jasprit :-D Glad you had fun, and see you for 7.0!

  13. Looks like you got a good amount of reading done. I can't wait for the next one :)

  14. It was my first time participating in Bouts of Books. I will make better use of it next time around. I did not participate in any of the challenges, which were awesome. I did manage 3 1/2 books. You made the best of the week by the looks of things. The best part is the new blog friends.

  15. Awesome job :) I cannot wait for the next one!
